Hundreds of visitors and passers-by have witnessed apparitions of children laughing, crying and playing in the nursery. The captain himself has even been seen walking with his daughter Hannah in the gardens.
When a cholera epidemic was sweeping town, many sick children were brought to the nursery, where they would spend their last days in the oppressive room, shuttered away from the fearful town folk. So many children died here that the room itself took on a chilling aura of death.
The house was opened as a museum in 1960, at which time the doll was placed in a toy pram, in the corner of the faithfully recreated nursery.
After an elaborate security system was installed, the museum manager was constantly being called back to investigate alarms tripped by movement in the house. The activity would always be from the children’s room. Security Staff frequently reported seeing someone or something in the window but, when they went to investigate, no-one was there.
The house is said to be one of the most haunted in the world.
In one instance, the back suddenly flew off a photographer's camera, exposing the film and destroying the image.
Read Full Story: Express UK