Showing posts with label Death. Show all posts
Bigfoot Fight To The Death!

Bigfoot Fight To The Death!

Is Bigfoot really the baddest thing in the forest? In this episode of Bigfoot Outlaw Radio they discuss the evidence that it is. Check it ou...
5 Videos & Photos Taken Just Before Creepy Unsolved Cases & Mysteries

5 Videos & Photos Taken Just Before Creepy Unsolved Cases & Mysteries

From the Dyatlov Pass Incident to the mysterious death of Tom Thomson, here are 5 videos & photos taken just before creepy unsolved case...
10 Chilling Photos With Disturbing Backstories

10 Chilling Photos With Disturbing Backstories

A picture's worth a thousand words. Those words may give you nightmares. and check this out...
10 Lucky People Who Cheated Death

10 Lucky People Who Cheated Death

From a woman free falling over 33,000 feet, to a young girl that was shot 6 times point blank trying to save her own mother! Here is a look ...
People Who Predicted Death

People Who Predicted Death

It's hard to believe that a person can predict death. But whether you believe in coincidence or not, it's always a creepy thought. a...
6 Kids Who Remember Their Past Lives

6 Kids Who Remember Their Past Lives

Kids remembering past lives. Proof of reincarnation? and check out our mid week news. THIS WEBCAST IS UNCENSORED.
3 People Who Died and Came Back To Life

3 People Who Died and Came Back To Life

Death is one of, if not the most, enigmatic things in the human experience. We have no proof of life after death, and no clue about what hap...
10 Most Ironic Deaths in History | TWISTED TENS

10 Most Ironic Deaths in History | TWISTED TENS

Here is a look at ten of the most ironic deaths in history.
Zak Bagans Buys Death Mobile

Zak Bagans Buys Death Mobile

The Fortean Slip News 83 This week Chris and Steve look at NASA's year long bio dome study, most ghosts are male apparently and Zak Baga...
America's Most Haunted Places - Unexplained Mysteries

America's Most Haunted Places - Unexplained Mysteries

Unexplained Mysteries documentary on the most haunted places in America. The scariest and most frightening haunted houses and buildings in t...
Top 10 Most Haunted Places In America

Top 10 Most Haunted Places In America

From the St. Louis Cemetery - New Orleans, Louisiana to The Stanley Hotel - Estes Park, Colorado here is a look at the 10 most haunted place...
Top 10 Creepy Places You Should Never Visit

Top 10 Creepy Places You Should Never Visit

From the Riddle House to Leap Castle here is a look at ten creepy places you should never visit.
Top 10 Creepy Places In America

Top 10 Creepy Places In America

From the Bell Witch Cave in Adams, Tennessee to the Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Here is a look at 10 creepy pl...
5 Most Haunted Places In America

5 Most Haunted Places In America

The United States is a hotbed of ghost sightings and paranormal activity here is a look at 5 of the most haunted places in America.
5 Most Haunted Cars Ever

5 Most Haunted Cars Ever

From a car that makes children disappear to another that causes death to everyone that goes near it! Here is a look at 5 of the Most Haunted...
Top Ten Ghost Ships

Top Ten Ghost Ships

Ghost ships, or phantom ships, make up a big part of the seafaring lore that has been passed down by sailors and fisherman throughout the ye...
The legend of the SS Ourang Medan Ghost Ship (video)

The legend of the SS Ourang Medan Ghost Ship (video)

The SS Ourang Medan was a Dutch cargo ship that sent out a distress call, but by the time help arrived the entire crew were dead with thei...
 9 Things You Realize After You Die

9 Things You Realize After You Die

Annie Kagan – OmTimes  |  Three weeks after he died, my brother Billy woke me at sunrise and began describing what was happening to him in ...
Cheap Haunted Mansion for sale in Joliet, Illinois

Cheap Haunted Mansion for sale in Joliet, Illinois

There’s nothing wrong with this house – nothing you can see, anyway. The elegant, 3-story mansion in Joliet, Ill. was built in 1882 by archi...