Cheap Haunted Mansion for sale in Joliet, Illinois

There’s nothing wrong with this house – nothing you can see, anyway.

The elegant, 3-story mansion in Joliet, Ill. was built in 1882 by architect James Weese for Hiram B. Scutt, who held early patents for barbed wire.

Now known as the Hiram B. Scutt Museum, the mansion is on the National Register of Historic Places. The property was recently foreclosed on; the 4,960-square-foot mansion has been listed at $159,000. If the price seems oddly low for a property so large and elegant, that’s because it is. However, the house also has a dark history; some even say it is haunted.

The house has seen multiple deaths: in 2004, 19-year-old Steven Jenkins was fatally shot during a party at the home. Within a year, the house was bought by Seth Magosky, a local historian and John Wilkes Booth impersonator. In 2007, just six months after he started working on turning the mansion into a Victorian museum, the 39-year-old man suddenly died in the house.

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