Showing posts with label canada. Show all posts
The Highway of Tears: Canada's Serial Killers

The Highway of Tears: Canada's Serial Killers

For decades women have been abducted, murdered and forgotten along an isolated stretch of Canadian highway. Some people have even speculated...
Logging Truck Strikes Bigfoot In Canada - BCS

Logging Truck Strikes Bigfoot In Canada - BCS

Many things happen on logging roads both in the US and Canada. More times things happen that no one ever hears about as it may just destroy ...
Unexplained howls spark Bigfoot hunt in Canada (video)

Unexplained howls spark Bigfoot hunt in Canada (video)

A big, hairy mystery is unfolding in a remote community off the coast of northern Vancouver Island. Alert Bay residents have been repor...
'Ghost' caught on camera singing along with child in bedroom (video)

'Ghost' caught on camera singing along with child in bedroom (video)

A man who "claims" that a mysterious, ghostly voice was recently caught on video singing along with his 4-year-old daughter and m...
Did Google Maps capture spooky image at Haunted House for sale in New York (video)

Did Google Maps capture spooky image at Haunted House for sale in New York (video)

With a price tag of US$105,000, a sprawling mansion up for sale in Upstate New York is considered a steal. But a warning to prospective buy...
Mysterious 'Samurai Ghost' Boots Appear in Vacation Photo (video)

Mysterious 'Samurai Ghost' Boots Appear in Vacation Photo (video)

This photo of a four-year-old girl on a beach in Zushi, Japan , seems innocent until you look closely behind her legs and back.  A closer lo...
Poltergeist Reboot Director claims film location is haunted

Poltergeist Reboot Director claims film location is haunted

The director of the upcoming Poltergeist reboot is keeping the infamous 'Poltergeist curse' alive and well. Director Gil Kenan said ...
 Ghost stories still whispered in Villa Maria's halls in Montreal

Ghost stories still whispered in Villa Maria's halls in Montreal

Over the generations, the building today occupied by Villa Maria has become home to a fair share of ghost stories. Lynda da Silveira, a for...
'Haunted House' for sale in Niagara-on-the-Lake

'Haunted House' for sale in Niagara-on-the-Lake

Is it haunted? If ever there was a house that seemed hospitable to ghosts, 240 Centre St. in Niagara-on-the-Lake would be it, and it’s bee...
Was Sasquatch spotted in British Columbia ?? (video)

Was Sasquatch spotted in British Columbia ?? (video)

The story of The Philip Experiment (video)

The story of The Philip Experiment (video)

In the 1970's, a group of Canadian parapsychologists wanted to attempt an experiment to create a ghost , proving their theory that t...
UFO's sighting reaching new heights in Canada

UFO's sighting reaching new heights in Canada

UFO sightings in Canada are sky high, hitting a total only seen once before in the past 25 years. There were 1,180 UFO sightings reported i...
Ghost ship full of cannibal rats ‘could be heading for Britain', not a new horror movie

Ghost ship full of cannibal rats ‘could be heading for Britain', not a new horror movie

A ghost ship carrying nothing but disease-ridden rats could be about to make land on Britain’s shore, experts have warned. The Lyubov Orlova...
Hikers capture footage of 'Bigfoot' in Canada (video)

Hikers capture footage of 'Bigfoot' in Canada (video)

It has been the stuff of legends for as long as hikers have been traipsing through the wilderness. But whether you believe this figure cau...
Did a ghost kill tourist Elisa Lam at the Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles (video)

Did a ghost kill tourist Elisa Lam at the Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles (video)

Cecil Hotel has a rich, haunted past; it won't leave! Elisa Lam's performance in a spooky elevator surveillance tape reanimates mus...
The Ghosts of the Bala Bay Inn in Ontario, Canada

The Ghosts of the Bala Bay Inn in Ontario, Canada

The following is an excerpt from the book, Haunted Ontario — Ghostly Inns, Hotels, and Other Eerie Places by Terry Boyle. Haunted Ontario i...
Zombie apocalypse takes center stage in Canadian Parliament (2 videos)

Zombie apocalypse takes center stage in Canadian Parliament (2 videos)

The Canadian Parliament tackled the critical issue of an impending zombie invasion from America a day after a hoaxer hacked into a Montana ...
The Haunted Hotel of the Alberta Canada badlands

The Haunted Hotel of the Alberta Canada badlands

What better place is there to look for ghosts than a ghost town. The tiny town of Wayne in Alberta’s Badlands is not exactly a ghost town, ...
Spike in strange lights over Vancouver Island, Canada (video)

Spike in strange lights over Vancouver Island, Canada (video)

COMOX VALLEY – A B.C. UFO investigator says 2013 is already shaping up to be a busier-than-normal year for sightings of unusual lights and s...
Sasquatch sighting by berry picker in Canada

Sasquatch sighting by berry picker in Canada

Two women in Nunavik had an unusual encounter while berry picking on Saturday. Maggie Cruikshank Qingalik, who is from Akulivik, Que., said ...