Spike in strange lights over Vancouver Island, Canada (video)

COMOX VALLEY – A B.C. UFO investigator says 2013 is already shaping up to be a busier-than-normal year for sightings of unusual lights and strange flying objects.

Brian Vike authors a blog entitled The Vike Factor and has investigated more than 11,000 reports from across Canada and around the world. Vike says there was a spike in activities on the morning of January 11th when triangular shaped objects and unusual lights were seen over Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland. The sightings followed an asteroid, which streaked over the skies of B.C. and Washington State.

One report indicates a mother witnessed a large school bus sized triangular object in the sky just after she dropped her children off for school. The witness reported seeing the solid object moving along until it started to hover and had three balls of orange light on each point. The witness reported to Vike that the balls of light went into the centre of the object before it disappeared.

Vike estimates around 90% of what is reported to him can be easily explained, whether it’s by people seeing the International Space Station flying overhead, or Chinese lanterns taking to the sky or flares being dropped from aircrafts. Others he is still struggling to explain.

Vike’s blog can be found at britishcolumbiaufos.blogspot.

Source: CTV Vancouver Island

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