Ashtabula County resident Wendy – she asked to have her last name withheld because she’s not sure she wants to be involved with Bigfoot stories – was doing yard work on Aug. 11 when she noticed a 7.5 inch wide footprint that was an inch and a half deep into the mud.
“I took a picture to show my mother’s husband, who’s a hunter, and he said it wasn’t a human’s,” she said. “I’m not claiming that footprint to be anything. I don’t know what that is.”
Wendy recalls multiple incidents in the past five years in which she and her husband have come across “something not human.” She said she hears knocking sounds on the walls of their house late at night, and she remembers a time when she saw a figure in all black running across the railroad tracks.
“The direction they were going, there were no homes. It would’ve gone out the woods, crossed the tracks, and gone back into the woods,” she said.
Wendy and her husband have also heard loud growls outside. “I never walked backwards so fast to get back in the house. But I couldn’t see, it was so dark back there.” She said the growl was impossible to duplicate and made her husband’s “hair stand up.”
“I didn’t believe in the sasquatch before,” Wendy said. “And in fact I’m still fighting it. But I can’t make sense of that large footprint.”
According to the group Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization, Ohio has logged more than 242 sightings since 1974.
Melba S. Ketchum, director of DNA Diagnostics who conducted a DNA study that concluded by confirming the existence of a Sasquatch species, said they do tend to pound on things out of curiosity.
“They even left me feathers once. I was behind blocked gates and there was nobody there but me,” she said. “Who else could it have been?”
She claims the average Sasquatch she’s seen is 10 feet tall, and they can “make any noise they want. They can mimic animals. And they can growl, of course.” Ketchum said the average foot size for a male is 17 feet, 15 feet for a female, and 7 feet for a baby.
As to whether Wendy’s sighting of a black figure across the railroad tracks was accurate, Ketchum said the species are “every color of the rainbow.
“We had over 100 samples of the study,” she said. “We had everything from white to blond to multicolored to black. A lot of them are brown with a reddish tint, even carrot-top red.”
Wendy said the sighting have made her feel “just a little uneasy.”
“When I walk the dogs now, I take a lot of lights. And my blinds go down when it gets dark,” she said. “It’s the unknown, I guess.”
Ketchum said from what she has discovered, the animals are not something that should terrify anyone.
“They’re not monsters; they’re a type of people,” she said. “The DNA shows that. The paternal side is novel, but the female side is 100 percent modern human (as in 13,000-15,000 years ago).”
Jeffrey Meldrum, a professor of anatomy and anthropology at Idaho State University, said he has examined hundreds of suspected sasquatch footprints and said they are broad, flat, and flexible.
“I am convinced that something exists on the basis of the evidence. What that something is, that remains a mystery,” he said. “Whether it exists or not isn’t that mysterious anymore because of the overwhelming evidence.”
Source: ABC News
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Bigfoot footprint found in Ohio backyard (video)
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